| plebiscyt na folkową płytę roku 2016 | |
Jesteś: główna / wyniki / szczegóły WARSAW VILLAGE BAND SUN CELEBRATION (RE) Wydawca: Jaro Medien
Siódmy album Kapeli Ze Wsi Warszawa/Warsaw Village Band i zarazem pierwszy podwójny album w dyskografii zespołu. WVB wyrusza w muzyczną podróż ku słońcu, za horyzont, ze Wschodu na Zachód i spotyka po drodze niesamowitych artystów z Indii, Persji i hiszpańskiej Galicji. Wspólnym elementem łączącym tak odległe geograficznie tradycje z polską kulturą ludową był kult słońca i to właśnie ta duchowa społeczność stała się inspiracją dla tej nowej produkcji.
"Sun Celebration" przedstawia uniwersalne historie o związkach, ważnych chwilach przejściowych i codziennych zmartwieniach, oparte na najstarszych polskich pieśniach ludowych. Wszystko to dzieje się w synchronizacji z unikalnym i charakterystycznym dla WVB stylu "transminimalroots", ale na zupełnie nową skalę.
(nota wydawcy)
"Sun Celebration” is the seventh album of Warsaw Village Band and the first double album in the band’s discography. WVB sets off on a musical journey towards the sun, beyond horizon, from East to West, and meets on its way incredible artists from India, Persia, and Spanish Galicia. The common element that connects such geographically distant traditions with the Polish folk culture was the solar cult, and it is this spiritual community that became the inspiration for this new production. Sun Celebration presents universal stories about relationships, important transition moments and everyday worries, based on the oldest Polish folk songs. All this happens in sync with the unique and characteristic for WVB “transminimalroots” style, but on a completely new scale.
‘We have been walking on the musical path for 18 years, and with each journey we notice more and more how strongly people are connected all over the world. “Sun Celebration” is an attempt to tell about the spiritual brotherhood crossing over the religious or ethnic boundaries, which are elevating in these restless times. It is also a story about the two natures of the world, Yin and Yang, male and female elements, day and night, the sun and the moon. Hence, the two CDs and their diversity, the sound experiments of the band and using new instruments, and heterogeneity and charisma of the invited Guests. We are grateful and happy that they have added the splendour to our album, and accepted the invitation and the challenge to face Polish music and that they have given it their talents and hearts.’ – Maciej Szajkowski, musician the founder of WVB, said about the album.
This is so far the biggest production of the Warsaw Village Band. Incredible Guests from various musical worlds include: avangarde singer from Galicia – Mercedes Peón, kemanche genius from Iran – Kayhan Kalhor, sarangi virtuoso from India – Ustad Liaquat Ali Khan, legendary wizard of gramophone – DJ Feel-X, distinguished viola player Michał Zaborski, and others. The new quality of sound production, thanks to Studio AS One. Almost 3 years of intense work, 5 recording sessions in the best Polish studios, 13 pieces, 2 CDs, 1 album. “Sun Celebration” has come!

CD 1 - The Sun
- Fly My Voice
- Midsummer Rain Song
- She Celebrated Kupala
- Viburnum Oberek
- Viburnum Orchard
- Perkun's Fire
- Issue/Sun Celebration
CD 2 - The Moon
- Lull - Lullaby - Alap
- Lull - Lullaby
- Polka Ryfka
- Bridal Wreath Son
- Misery Masovian Blues
- Towards the Sun
| skład: Magdalena Sobczak - voice, dulcimer
Sylwia Świątkowska - voice, Płock fiddle, Biłgoraj suka, violin, viola
Ewa Wałecka - voice, violin, hurdy-gurdy
Piotr Gliński - baraban drum, percussions
Paweł Mazurczak - double bass
Maciej Szajkowski - frame drum, percussions
Miłosz Gawryłkiewicz - trumpet, flugelhorn
Kayhan Kalhor - kemanche [M4, B6]
Mercedes Peón - voice, breath, electronics, Galician bagpipes (gaita galega), Galician tambourine (pandeireta) [S1, S2, S4, S5, S7, M2, M3, M5]
Ustad Liaquat Ali Khan - voice [S3], sarangi [S6, M1, M2]
Sanjay Khan - voice [S3, S6, M2], harmonium [M4] and Amrat Hussain - tabla [S3] of Dhoad Gypsies from Rajasthan
Michał Zaborski (Atom String Quartet) – viola [B5] DJ Feel-X (Kaliber 44) - scratches, electronics [A6] |